
SyncAxes 6是一款先进的同时步进电机控制器,集成了驱动器和控制器,支持每个电机最高达4.5安培的电流,同时还具有六个增量式编码器接口,以满足多轴定位的需求。

Hardware specification | 硬件规格

System | 系统
Storage SD card
LAN 10/100Mbps
USB USB 2.0 Host x 1
USB 2.0 Device x 1

Motor outputs | 电机输出

Number of outputs 6 x Stepper motor, 2 phases
Microstepping 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16 step
Voltage range 12V ~ 30V
Output current Max 4.5A
Encoder inputs | 编码器输入
Channels 6 x Encoder counter
Each channel provides A, B, Index pins
Resolution 32 bits
Counting modes Pulse/Direction
Max. encoder pulse frequency 20MHz pps

I/O | 输出/输出

Digital inputs 6 x Channels
Isolation voltage 2500 Vrms
Digital outputs 9 x Channels
Isolation voltage 2500 Vrms
High-speed digital inputs 9 x Channels
Isolation voltage 2500 Vrms
High-speed digital output v/
PWM output
3-Channel DO or 3x PWM outputs (up to 2MHz)
Isolation Voltage 5000 Vrms
RS-485 Max 500Kbps
Isolation voltage: 2500 Vrms

Power | 电源

Input voltage 12V – 30V

Mechanism | 机制

Dimensions 245 x 111 x 51 mm (L*W*H)
Case material Metal

All features and specifications subject to change without notice.


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