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  • {} (curly braces)

    {} (curly braces)

    {} Curly Braces Curly braces (also referred to as just “braces” or as “curly brackets”) are a major part of the C programming language. They are used in several different constructs, outlined below, and this can sometimes be confusing for beginners. An opening curly brace “{” must always be followed by a closing curly brace […]

  • ; (semicolon)

    ; (semicolon)

      ; semicolon Used to end a statement. Example int a = 13; Tip Forgetting to end a line in a semicolon will result in a compiler error. The error text may be obvious, and refer to a missing semicolon, or it may not. If an impenetrable or seemingly illogical compiler error comes up, one […]