RTCZero Library
The RTCZero library is available from 86Duino Coding 212, and provides the API of Arduino Zero’s RTC library to control and use the on-board RTC (Real Time Clock).
A real-time clock is a clock that keeps track of the current time and that can be used in order to program actions at a certain time. Most RTCs use a crystal oscillator (like in all 86Duino boards and the Arduino Zero) whose frequency is 32.768 kHz (same frequency used in quartz clocks and watches). Namely this the frequency equal to 2^15 cycles per second and so is a convenient rate to use with simple binary counter circuits.
- begin()
- setHours()
- setMinutes()
- setSeconds()
- setTime()
- setYear()
- setMonth()
- setDay()
- setDate()
- getHours()
- getMinutes()
- getSeconds()
- getYear()
- getMonth()
- getDay()
- setAlarmHours()
- setAlarmMinutes()
- setAlarmSeconds()
- setAlarmTime()
- setAlarmYear()
- setAlarmMonth()
- setAlarmDay()
- setAlarmDate()
- enableAlarm()
- disableAlarm()
- attachInterrupt()
- detachInterrupt()
- standbyMode()
The following are examples from the tutorial of Arduino Zero’s RTC library that can work on the 86Duino boards:
- Simple RTC
- Simple RTC Alarm
- Sleep RTC Alarm
The text of the 86Duino reference is a modification of the Arduino reference, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Code samples in the reference are released into the public domain.