86Duino EduCake


● Vortex86EX Processor
300MHz 32-bit x86
128MB DDR3
USB 2.0
● Open-Source Hardware
● Support DOS, Windows, Linux
● Arduino-Compatible IDE

EduCake is designed to be compatible with Arduino series. It is an all-in-one design with an integrated bread board. Many electronic components, sensors and accessories can be easily connected or replaced for experiment without soldering process. Its built-in special circuit protection design can prevent it from burn out due to configuration errors. You can make a module easily, quickly and also be worry free about unexpected damage caused by human factor.

Technical Specifications
Processor Vortex86EX
Clock Speed 300 MHz
Memory 128MB industrial-grade DDR3
Flash Memory 8MB
Digital I/O Pins 26 (of which 9 provide 32bit PWM output)
Analog Input Pins 6 (11bit)
Communication I2C, TTL UART, RS232, LAN
Sound High Definition Audio
Operating Voltage 5V
DC Current per I/O Pin 16 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 400 mA

All features and specifications subject to change without notice.

86Duino_EDUCAKE-front 86Duino_EDUCAKE-back 列印 列印
C:Usersderek-chenDesktop86Duino-JSK(I-Appearance Diagam 1.0) 86Duino_EDUCAKE-top view 86Duino_EDUCAKE-back View 86Duino_SOM-128-EX_top
IMG_1788 IMG_1831 IMG_3392 IMG_3404
Tutorial:Digital I/O Tutorial:EduCake Analog I/O Intro Tutorial:Interrupt and Event Tutorial:PWM Tutorial
IMG_3407 IMG_5335(86) IMG_5353(86) IMG_5370(86)
Tutorial:EduCake Serial Port Communication Tutorial:LED Matrix Tutorial:Robotic Rover Tutorial:I²C Communication
IMG_3407 IMG_5335(86) IMG_5335(86)  
Tutorial:Music player and mixer Tutorial:Control Robotics Arm Tutorial:Using Matrix Keyboard  


  1. Vortex86EX Datasheet V1.4
  2. Circuits Schematics for DM-205 (Vortex86EX SOM-128-EX)
  3. Circuits Schematics for DM-219 (Daughter Board)
  4. BOM/Part List for DM-219 (Daughter Board)
  5. Gerber file for DM-219 (Daughter Board)
  6. Circuits Schematics for DM-220 (Bread Board)
  7. BOM/Part List for DM-220 (Bread Board)
  8. Gerber file for DM-220 (Bread Board)
  9. 86DUINO BOARD  DataSheet

Arduino is a registered trademark of the Arduino Team

86Duino preload program is free software: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser General Public License. See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>